Process payments in real-time anywhere with our global payments’ platform.
Send seamless payouts with Checkout infrastructure built to elevate the customer experience, improve performance, and unlock global coverage at speed.
Strike the right balance between fraud prevention and approval rates with our highly customizable fraud management tool that adapts to your business needs
API keys generation
- You should have an account on, API keys can be obtained from Checkouts’ dashboard under Channels menu.
- Go to Checkout's dashboard --> Channels
3. The secret and public shared keys are just keys for testing purposes, you can regenerate your new required secret and public key through the adjacent buttons.
4. Here you go to integrate the generated API keys with your Kllify shop. Go to your Kllify Shop, then follow the integration lead through: My Shop > Integrations > Payment Integration > CHECKOUT.COM.
5. Hit save once you’re done.