Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates

• After you log in to your shop dashboard you need to follow a few steps:
   1. Click on the “Settings” Icon.
   2. Then click on the "Exchange Rates" section.

For the rate for the targeted currency, you need to have the exchange rate from the US dollar to the new currency you want to add. For example. the Exchange rate from US dollar to Saudi riyal is 3.75.

- To add new exchange rates, click on the “add exchange rates “button:

- then you need to write target currency and rate (For example. The exchange rate from US dollar to Saudi riyal is 3.75)

- Then click on "Save Exchange Rate": 

- If you want to edit or delete any exchange rates, then click  on the edit icon if you want to edit or the trash icon if you want to delete it

   1. Click on the “My Shop” Icon.
   2. Then click on the "Shop Details" section.

- After that go to currencies part and select all currencies that you want to use in your store:

- Then press the "Update" button:

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