


# Orders:
• After you log in to your shop dashboard, you will find the sales icon for your store as follows:

- The first step is to buy products from your store by customers:

- After completing the purchase, the customer will get the order number, which is defined in the orders section:

- In the orders section, you will find the new order as follows:

The details of the order as per the ID number given to costumer with the amount total , order dates ,payment method , shipping method ,statues of the order and costumer information.

- To do the next action you nedd to, click on:

New page will open with 4 tap in the top as below:

- In Information you will have the order and account information of the costumer as will as the billing and shipping address of costumer:

- also payment and shipping information:

- At the end the product ordered and the comment of the costumer:

- At the top you will find action you can take First Cancel the order ( That will cancel the order by you and notify the costumer of canceling that order): 

- On the order page the status will change to Canceled:

The second choice is Invoice That will make you issue the invoice for that order and will open new page as below:

This window will have the invoice details of the order and the order information given before in the order tap. By clicking on the Save Invoice that will create an invoice for that order as below in the invoice tap:

- The status of the order will change to Processing:

- Also you can print the invoice by clicking print:

- The last action you can do is ship:

- Then you choose the product source from which warehouse and storage also the quantity that shipped:

- Then click save shipment to confirm the shipment information:

# Refunds section:

- Here you will find all refunds when creating a product return request by the customer after purchasing from your store, and when one of the payment gateways is activated and a refund request is executed by the customer, the amount will be automatically retrieved from your account in the payment gateway used.

- In each section of the Sales Icon have the data to manage your order smoothly in orders you can export the data as below:

- Also in the Shipments:

- And also in the invoices:

- It will have a pop up window to choose the file type then click Export to download the file as below:

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